Slowly but surely, Kigali city is reclaiming streets for people

A tree, barn and house are situated near each other

From Nadia Lobti / The New Times: Twice a month the city of Kigali has a “Car Free Day,” a program that reduces air and noise pollution while simultaneously encouraging residents to be more active via walking, biking, and other alternative modes of transportation.

Read the original story here.

Read more articles about environmental wellbeing initiatives.

More Resources:

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From Asad Asnawi / Context: The Nusantra Fund provides financial support directly to community-led projects in Indonesia. The aim is to improve the livelihoods of Indigenous and local people while tackling climate change impacts and protecting biodiversity. Click here to...

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Linda Shi is an assistant professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Cornell University. Her research concerns how to plan for urban climate adaptation in ways that improve environmental sustainability and social justice. She studies how aspects...

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