What if debt was written off to protect climate and nature?
From India Bourke / BBC: Debt-for-nature or debt-for-climate swaps are financial tools that allow indebted countries to refinance their debt
From India Bourke / BBC: Debt-for-nature or debt-for-climate swaps are financial tools that allow indebted countries to refinance their debt
Yara Tarabulsi is a social anthropologist with experience in topics of gender justice, care, economic justice, migration and public policy.
Huberth Méndez is a multifaceted Costa Rican professional with a rich background in architecture, education, and research, with extensive experience
Through the work of ethical land transitions, Cassandra works to transform conventional real estate practice in service to Land, cultural
From Jon Marcus / The Hechinger Report: As their workforces age, states across the United States are offering student loan
From Duncan Agnew / Evanston RoundTable: Through a land trust, Community Partners in Affordable Housing sells homes to buyers at
From Oscar Perry Abello / NextCity: In Louisville, community organizers are betting that a guaranteed income program will reduce community
From Isabella Breda / Yes! Magazine: Despite a nationwide months-long coronavirus lockdown in Norway, the economy was able to remain
From The Nation: A guaranteed income program in Nigeria is helping recipients build businesses, expand existing ones, and build equity.
From Annie Banerji / Christian Science Monitor: Microfinance institutions in India are providing low-cost loans to women in remote areas who
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